Virology—the path forward

Angela L. Rasmussen, Gigi K. Gronvall, Anice C. Lowen, Felicia Goodrum, James Alwine, Kristian G. Andersen, Simon J. Anthony, Joel Baines, Arinjay Banerjee, Andrew J. Broadbent, Christopher B. Brooke, Samuel K. Campos, Patrizia Caposio, Arturo Casadevall, Gary C. Chan, Anna R. Cliffe, Donna Collins-McMillen, Nancy Connell, Blossom Damania, Matthew D. DaughertyKari Debbink, Terence S. Dermody, Daniel DiMaio, W. Paul Duprex, Michael Emerman, Denise A. Galloway, Robert F. Garry, Stephen A. Goldstein, Alexander L. Greninger, Amy L. Hartman, Brenda G. Hogue, Stacy M. Horner, Peter J. Hotez, Jae U. Jung, Jeremy P. Kamil, Stephanie M. Karst, Lou Laimins, Seema S. Lakdawala, Igor Landais, Michael Letko, Brett Lindenbach, Shan Lu Liu, Micah Luftig, Grant McFadden, Andrew Mehle, Juliet Morrison, Anne Moscona, Elke Mühlberger, Joshua Munger, Karl Münger, Eain Murphy, Christopher J. Neufeldt, Janko Z. Nikolich, Christine M. O'Connor, Andrew Pekosz, Sallie R. Permar, Julie K. Pfeiffer, Saskia V. Popescu, John G. Purdy, Vincent R. Racaniello, Charles M. Rice, Jonathan A. Runstadler, Martin J. Sapp, Rona S. Scott, Gregory A. Smith, Erin M. Sorrell, Emily Speranza, Daniel Streblow, Scott A. Tibbetts, Zsolt Toth, Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Susan R. Weiss, Elizabeth A. White, Timothy M. White, Christiane E. Wobus, Michael Worobey, Satoko Yamaoka, Andrew Yurochko

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


In the United States (US), biosafety and biosecurity oversight of research on viruses is being reappraised. Safety in virology research is paramount and oversight frameworks should be reviewed periodically. Changes should be made with care, however, to avoid impeding science that is essential for rapidly reducing and responding to pandemic threats as well as addressing more common challenges caused by infectious diseases. Decades of research uniquely positioned the US to be able to respond to the COVID-19 crisis with astounding speed, delivering life-saving vaccines within a year of identifying the virus. We should embolden and empower this strength, which is a vital part of protecting the health, economy, and security of US citizens. Herein, we offer our perspectives on priorities for revised rules governing virology research in the US.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of virology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • COVID-19
  • SARS-CoV-2
  • biosafety
  • emergence
  • oversight
  • virology

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Microbiology
  • Immunology
  • Insect Science
  • Virology


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