The relationship between creativity and yoga nidra as a mindfulness practice: Considering the possibilities for wellbeing and education

Aigerim Tastanova, Danah Henriksen, Mariya Mun, Nadiya Akhtayeva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Creative thinking skills are critical for learning and society's technical and cultural progress. As society becomes increasingly complex, there is a need to identify habits and practices that support creative thinking skills alongside wellbeing. Much research has suggested that mindfulness and its associated practices can support creativity. One such mindfulness practice is Yoga Nidra (a yogic practice closely aligned to meditation). The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between Yoga Nidra and creativity (via several indicators). We review of the literature on the effects of mindfulness practices and creativity, including Yoga Nidra. We then share an exploratory empirical study which utilized the Torrance non-verbal creativity test, the Mednick verbal creativity test, the WAM questionnaire (well-being, activity, mood), the "Word-color interference" method by G. Stroop, Raven's Progressive Matrices, and the Big 5 Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire. This study involved 22 people aged 27–53 from Almaty, Moscow, and Nur-Sultan. Creativity was measured via a pre-test; then the participants were introduced to a three-week Yoga Nidra practice program, followed by a post-test. The program was presented to participants for 60 min three times a week for three weeks, by a certified yoga expert. Participants were divided into two groups: online and offline practitioners. Both groups passed pre- and post- tests. Results demonstrated a positive impact of Yoga Nidra on the creativity of the participants following this three-week program. As education researchers, we consider this research within the context of an existing body of research and theory linking mindfulness/meditation practices to creativity, thinking and learning. Finally, we reflect on implications for further research, practice, and learning settings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number101500
JournalThinking Skills and Creativity
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • Awareness
  • Creative thinking
  • Creativity
  • Education
  • Learning
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Relaxation
  • Wellbeing
  • Yoga nidra

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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