Structure and dynamics of earth's lower mantle

Edward Garnero, Allen K. McNamara

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

357 Scopus citations


Processes within the lowest several hundred kilometers of Earth's rocky mantle play a critical role in the evolution of the planet. Understanding Earth's lower mantle requires putting recent seismic and mineral physics discoveries into a self-consistent, geodynamically feasible context. Two nearly antipodal large low-shear-velocity provinces in the deep mantle likely represent chemically distinct and denser material. High-resolution seismological studies have revealed laterally varying seismic velocity discontinuities in the deepest few hundred kilometers, consistent with a phase transition from perovskite to post-perovskite. In the deepest tens of kilometers of the mantle, isolated pockets of ultralow seismic velocities may denote Earth's deepest magma chamber.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)626-628
Number of pages3
Issue number5876
StatePublished - May 2 2008

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