Smart grid - The new and improved power grid: A survey

Xi Fang, Satyajayant Misra, Guoliang Xue, Dejun Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

2522 Scopus citations


The Smart Grid, regarded as the next generation power grid, uses two-way flows of electricity and information to create a widely distributed automated energy delivery network. In this article, we survey the literature till 2011 on the enabling technologies for the Smart Grid. We explore three major systems, namely the smart infrastructure system, the smart management system, and the smart protection system. We also propose possible future directions in each system. Specifically, for the smart infrastructure system, we explore the smart energy subsystem, the smart information subsystem, and the smart communication subsystem. For the smart management system, we explore various management objectives, such as improving energy efficiency, profiling demand, maximizing utility, reducing cost, and controlling emission. We also explore various management methods to achieve these objectives. For the smart protection system, we explore various failure protection mechanisms which improve the reliability of the Smart Grid, and explore the security and privacy issues in the Smart Grid.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number6099519
Pages (from-to)944-980
Number of pages37
JournalIEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2012


  • Communications
  • Energy
  • Information
  • Management
  • Power grid
  • Privacy
  • Protection
  • Security
  • Smart grid
  • Survey

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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