Male sex and hazardous alcohol use following military sexual assault increase suicide risk among US service members and veterans

Rebecca K. Blais, Bingyu Xu, Hallie Tannahill, Patrick Dulin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Higher alcohol use and military sexual assault (MSA) are associated with increased risk of death by suicide. Risk for death by suicide is rapidly increasing among females, who report higher rates of MSA, yet actual death by suicide and alcohol use are higher among males. It is not well understood whether higher alcohol use confers greater suicide risk in male or female service members and veterans who have experienced MSA. Objective: To determine whether the association between alcohol misuse and suicide risk was moderated by biological sex in a sample of male and female service members (N = 400, 50% female) who reported MSA. Method: Participants completed surveys of alcohol use and suicide risk as well as a demographic inventory. Linear regression with an interaction term was used to determine if suicide risk differed by sex and alcohol use severity after accounting for discharge status, sexual orientation, and age. Results: Average scores on the suicide risk measure were consistent with an inpatient psychiatric sample and scores on the AUDIT-C were indicative of a probable positive screen for alcohol misuse. Suicide risk was most pronounced among males who reported higher levels of hazardous alcohol use. A sensitivity analysis examining suicide risk by sex and screening results for alcohol misuse (positive/negative) showed that men with a probable positive screen had higher suicide risk. Discussion: The current study provides novel findings on suicide risk among survivors of military sexual violence by including both male and female survivors. Interventions to decrease suicide risk following MSA may consider alcohol reduction strategies, and optimizing these interventions in males. Engaging military culture at both the US Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to encourage more healthy alcohol consumption may mitigate this public health concern. Future research may consider how country of origin relates to these associations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number2312756
JournalEuropean Journal of Psychotraumatology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2024


  • Suicide
  • alcohol use
  • military
  • sex
  • veterans

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental health


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