Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) measurement of 40Ca/48Ca calcium ratio in bones

Timothy Steimle (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The relative concentrations of various calcium isotopes can be an important diagnostic marker for numerous medical conditions. Certain Ca isotopes in blood or urine can be used to detect bone lesions/cancers, multiple myeloma and other metastases to bone, as well as to provide information regarding bone mineral balance (BMB). BMB is important in diagnosing and tracking certain metabolic bone diseases and can be useful for detecting bone density loss and monitoring BMB changes resulting from cancer treatments. Ca isotopic analysis is currently performed using mass spectrometry, which, while effective, is slow and expensive. To facilitate more widespread utilization of Ca isotope analyses, a portable and cost effective method needs to be established. Researchers at Arizona State University and their colleagues have developed a novel non-mass spectrometry based ca isotope measurement technique. This technique enables the detection of multiple myeloma, bone lesions and cancers originating in and metastasizing to the bone. Additionally, this can be used to monitor changes in BMB in cancer patients treated with certain medicines known to affect BMB. This technique is highly sensitive, provides fast results, is very portable, and is much less expensive than mass spec-based techniques. Ca isotope analysis provides a powerful means to monitor bone loss and therapeutic efficacy of treatment, and may allow for new and quicker diagnoses of lesions, bone cancers and metastatic cancers affecting bones. Potential Applications Monitoring the relative isotope abundances of calcium to diagnose: Bone lesions Bone cancers Multiple myeloma Breast cancer metastases to bone Prostate cancer metastases to bone Assessment of bone cancer treatment effectiveness Continuous monitoring for BMB changes resulting from cancer treatments Accelerating the pace of discovery of new treatments for bone cancers and cancers metastasized to bones Could also be used in geochemistry, planetary science, climate science, etc. Benefits and Advantages Fast results Low-cost Compact and portable (low-mass components) - enables field deployment or even space deployment for space-based bone density monitoring Greater detection sensitivity than mass spectrometry-based methods Download Original PDF For more information about the inventor(s) and their research, please see Dr. Steimle's laboratory webpage Dr. Anbar's laboratory webpage Dr. Anbar's departmental webpage
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Oct 24 2013


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