YR 1: MCH Research

  • Bradley, Robert (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


YR 1: MCH Research HOME Inventory: Reviews of Interventions, Exposure to Teratagens and Measurement The aim of the project is to construct and validate a new version of the HOME Inventory, one for children ages 16 to 20. HOME is a multi-dimensional assessment of the quality of stimulation, structure and support available to children in their home environments. Versions of HOME for younger children have been widely used for research and applied purposes (500+ published studies, 40+ countries). The goal is to develop a version that is applicable for use in a wide diversity of families. Having such a measure would seem valuable with respect to MCH Issue #4, as is should help in targeting interventions that promote health in MCH populations, in the conduct of longitudinal studies of children and families (including those with special needs), and identifying family strengths. In service of this objective, we will engage a group of experts who have deep experience working with adolescents from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds. The project consists of 5 phases. Phase 1 will focus on completing a literature review and conducting secondary data analysis on multiple data sets with a goal of identifying about 80-90 candidate indicators to be included in a preliminary version of the new HOME. Phase 2 will entail gathering data (including background and outcome data) on 150 families, diverse by race/ethnicity in Arizona and Arkansas, then subjecting the data to extensive psychometric evaluation. At the end of each visit, we will debrief families and get their impressions about the assessment. After presenting the psychometric findings and qualitative data to our expert panel, we will reduce the set of indicators to about 65-75 (making adjustments in items as needed). In Phase 3, we will gather data on the reduced set of indicators from 420 adolescents in 5 different states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, Maryland). We will target substantial numbers of European American, African American, Latino, Asian American, and Native American families for this data collection. Family background information and measures of adolescent competence, adaptive functioning, health, self efficacy and life satisfaction will also be gathered. In Phase 4 we will further analyze the data, with a view to determining validity and usefulness in each group. Based on these analyses we anticipate dropping a small number of indicators, with the idea of having about 60-65 items in the final version, a number that has proven practical with other versions of HOME. In Phase 5, we will prepare the test manual together with key publications about the new version of HOME.
Effective start/end date2/1/131/31/16


  • HHS: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): $97,798.00


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