Psychology: Institute for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research

    Equipment/facility: Facility

    • Location

      United States

    Equipments Details


    To incorporate the measurement of indicators found in oral fluids into research--developmental, social, behavioral, health, clinical, prevention, and rehabilitative sciences--and determine whether our understanding in those areas can be advanced using unique, minimally invasive measurements of biological systems through saliva.
    To establish collaborative programs to evaluate the potential value of new biomakers and analytes present in oral fluids.
    To open new windows of opportunity for researchers in economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, gerontology, nursing, social work, preventive medicine, medicine, occupational science, sports medicine, psychiatry, and neuroscience.
    To create within the ASU academic community an environment that supports and enables access to specialized training and laboratory services in salivary bioscience, and which supports researchers in their quest to obtain funding.
    To serve as a world stage for investigators to meet, discuss, and refine their ideas about the role of saliva as a research and diagnostic specimen.

    Contact: Lillian Buitenhuus


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