Water, energy and carbon fluxes and ancillary meteorological and remote sensing measurements at Encanto Golf Course, Phoenix, Arizona during 2019-2020

  • Mercedes Kindler (Contributor)
  • Elí R. Pérez-Ruiz (Contributor)
  • Zhaocheng Wang (Contributor)
  • Enrique Vivoni (Contributor)



Water, energy and carbon fluxes as wells as ancillary meteorological and NDVI measurements from the Encanto Park Golf Course in Phoenix, AZ. Measurements were done from March 2019 to March 2020. The database includes three files: Encanto_AZMET.xlsx, that include hourly values and daily average meteorological variables (Tair, RH, VPD, Rs, Tsoil, etc.) obtained from the Phoenix Encanto meteorological station of The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET). Please refer to https://cals.arizona.edu/AZMET/15.htm and the spreadsheet ReadMe within the excel file for additional information. Encanto_EddyCovariance.xlsx includes the half-hour water, energy and carbon fluxes obtained using an eddy covariance (EC) system. The file also includes half-hour ancillary meteorological and soil measurements obtained from the EC tower. Water, energy and carbon fluxes were processed using the software EddyPro 7.0. For more information, please refer to Vivoni et al (2020). Encanto_NDVI.xlsx includes the average NDVI for the net radiometer footprint installed in the EC tower. NDVI was obtained from 4-band PlanetScope scene images obtained from Planet website (www.planet.com). For more information, please refer to Vivoni et al (2020). The use of the datasets requires the citation of the next paper: Vivoni, E. R., Kindler, M., Wang, Z., and Perez-Ruiz, E. R. 2020.Abiotic Mechanisms Drive Enhanced Evaporative Losses under Urban Oasis Conditions . Geophysical Research Letters. 47: e2020GL090123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090123
Date made availableJun 1 2020

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