The Role of Climate Change and Urban Development on Compound Dry-Hot Extremes Across U.S. Cities

  • Mahshid Ghanbari (Contributor)
  • Mazdak Arabi (Contributor)
  • Matei Georgescu (Contributor)
  • Ashley Broadbent (Contributor)



Analysis of changes in frequency and duration of CDHE events during the 21st century for 50 major U.S. cities was performed using Scripts (custom codes) in MATLAB version R2018b. The MATLAB code is designed to be executed using temperature and precipitation data for each city. These codes are to be opened in MathWorks MATLAB software and require only a standard computer with enough RAM to support the in-memory operations. To access the data sets and codes first decompress the file using compression software.
Date made availableMar 28 2023

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