Self-compassion and pain disability in adults with chronic pain: The mediating role of future self-identification and self-efficacy

  • Erin G. Mistretta (Creator)
  • Mary Davis (Creator)
  • Eva M. Bartsch (Creator)
  • Meryl S. Olah (Creator)



Pain disability is a primary target of treatment for chronic pain. Self-compassion shows promise as an intervention to reduce pain disability, but mechanisms linking self-compassion with less pain disability remain to be identified. This study examined two potential mechanisms, health self-efficacy and future self-identification (FSI), as parallel mediators of the relation between self-compassion and pain disability. Adults (N = 188; Mage = 40.34, SD = 11.53; 70.9% female) screened for chronic pain were recruited through online convenience sampling. Participants completed self-report measures of demographics, health status, and primary study variables. Self-compassion was positively associated with FSI and self-efficacy, but only self-efficacy was found to mediate the negative relation between self-compassion and pain disability, such that self-compassion was associated with higher self-efficacy, which was associated with less pain disability. Future experimental and longitudinal studies can establish whether the negative relation between self-compassion and pain disability is causal and mediated via health self-efficacy.
Date made available2023
PublisherSAGE Journals

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