Mary Wollstonecraft and Influence - Preprocessed Data



Preprocessing steps for this topic modeling are laid out in this dataset. It contains a stopword list, additions made to the stop word list, plus steps taken to clean each text within the corpus. Original stopword list obtained at GitHub: For this project, preprocessing was a much less straightforward step than the collocate/concordance project from Fall 2017. Most of the preprocessing was done by myself [Scott Caddy] via SublimeText. Segmenting of items in the corpus was done via the TopicModelingTool settings. What I have here is a step-by-step process attempted over several weeks as I learned more about the TopicModelingTool, topic modeling, and how to interpret the results. A large part of my preprocessing came from doing topic modeling "runs" and modying my stopword list according to results. Hopefully, this component can show how I continued to hone preprocessing, based on feedback from my peers, instructor, and reading papers on topic modeling.
Date made available2020
PublisherASU Library Research Data Repository

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