This archive contains point clouds showing the internal geometry of six pits on the Moon. These point clouds were generated via manual feature matching in "oblique stereo pairs": pairs of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera (LROC NAC) images at two different off-nadir angles observing one wall of a pit under similar lighting conditions. These images have pixel scales of ~0.3-2.2 m/pixel, allowing the creation of point clouds with point spacing on the order of 5-10 m, depending on the density of identifiable features on the pit walls. The manually-generated point clouds from multiple stereo pairs have been merged together, and aligned to and merged with dense digital terrain models (DTMs) from more nadir-looking NAC stereo images where available, to produce point clouds that cover the upper walls, floors, and immediate surroundings of the pits. For a full description of the processing method, see Wagner and Robinson (2022), linked in this archive's metadata. This archive contains models for the following pits: Lacus Mortis Pit (LMP) Mare Ingenii Pit (MIP) Mare Tranquillitatis Pit (MTP) Marius Hills Pit (MHP) Schlüter Crater Pit (SCP) Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit (SWFP)
Date made available | Jul 25 2022 |
Publisher | Zenodo |