These datasets provide the data associated with the article, "Analysis of active neutron measurements from the Mars Science Laboratory Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument: Intrinsic variability, outliers, and implications for future investigations" by H. R. Kerner et al. (full citation below). The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) is a nuclear spectroscopy investigation onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) rover. If you use this dataset, please use the following citation: Kerner, H. R., Hardgrove, C. J., Czarnecki, S., Gabriel, T. S. J., Mitrofanov, I. G., Litvak, M. L., Sanin, A. B., and Lisov, D. I. Analysis of active neutron measurements from the Mars Science Laboratory Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument: Intrinsic variability, outliers, and implications for future investigations. Under review.
Date made available | Dec 23 2019 |
Publisher | Zenodo |