Archival Version

  • John R. Hepburn (Creator)



Part 1: The Demand Reduction Program data provide information on prosecutor's disposition, arrest date, submitted charges, filed charges, prior charges, disposition of charges, drugs used in last three months, information on prior drug treatment, type of attorney, and arrestee's age at arrest, sex, marital status, income, and living arrangement. Since data collection ended May 1, 1991, the length of "time at risk" varies considerably between those who entered the program early and those who entered late. Part 2: Adult residents of Maricopa County were asked about their attitudes toward drug use, tax support for drug treatment, education, and punishment, their knowledge of the Demand Reduction Program, and demographic information. Parts 3-4: The police surveys provide officer's rank, years at rank, years in department, shift worked, age, sex, ethnicity, education, marital status, if officer was the primary or secondary wage earner, officer's perception of and training for the Demand Reduction Program, and personal attitudes toward drug use. Part 5: Task Force data include arrest date, operation number, operation beginning and ending date, operation type, region where operation was conducted, charge resulting from arrest, Demand Reduction Program identification number, and arrestee's sex, race, and date of birth.
Date made available1994
PublisherICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
Date of data productionMar 1 1989 - May 1 1991
Geographical coverageArizona

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