Appendix_A – Supplemental material for Group Commitment Among U.S. Party Factions: A Perspective From Democratic and Republican National Convention Delegates
Kimberly H. Conger (Creator)
Rosalyn Cooperman (Creator)
Gregory Shufeldt (Creator)
Geoffrey C. Layman (Creator)
Kerem Ozan Kalkan (Creator)
John C. Green (Creator)
Richard Herrera (Creator)
Supplemental material, Appendix_A for Group Commitment Among U.S. Party Factions: A Perspective From Democratic and Republican National Convention Delegates by Kimberly H. Conger, Rosalyn Cooperman, Gregory Shufeldt, Geoffrey C. Layman, Kerem Ozan Kalkan, John C. Green and Richard Herrera in American Politics Research
Conger, K. H. (Creator), Cooperman, R. (Creator), Shufeldt, G. (Creator), Layman, G. C. (Creator), Kalkan, K. O. (Creator), Green, J. C. (Creator), Herrera, R. (Creator) (2019). Appendix_A – Supplemental material for Group Commitment Among U.S. Party Factions: A Perspective From Democratic and Republican National Convention Delegates. SAGE Journals. 10.25384/sage.8295020.v1