Additional file 1 of A scalable, satellite-transmitted data product for monitoring high-activity events in mobile aquatic animals

  • Neil Hammerschlag (Contributor)
  • Rachel A. Skubel (Contributor)
  • James A. Sulikowski (Arizona State University) (Contributor)
  • Hannah J. Verkamp (Contributor)
  • Kenady Wilson (Contributor)
  • Daniel Benetti (Contributor)
  • Yannis P. Papastamatiou (Contributor)



Additional file 1: Text. Methodology for the deployment of PSATs on dogfish sharks (Squalus acanthias). Figure S1. An example of camera output used for activity level description and classification, of captive cobia a and dogfish b. Figure S2. Frequency distribution of archival values from captive deployments, for mobility (a, b) and activity time-series (ATS) (c, d), for all animals of each species. Each panel includes mean, standard deviation, and range. Figure S3. A logistic curve based on the results of our binary logistic regression for ActivityObs ~ ATS. Teal circles represent observations of ATS, classified as either resting (0) or not resting (1). Table S1. Data products generated by the Wildlife Computers miniPAT pop-off satellite tag (PSAT). Table S2. Estimated deployment durations for the Wildlife Computers miniPAT pop-off satellite tag (PSAT) incorporating the ATS metric, depending on the length of the summary period (75 to 600 s). Percentages represent the probability of receiving 1 message, and a triplet of messages, sent 10, 20, and 30 times. Table S3. Description of observed behavior states from video recordings of captive cobia and dogfish. States were also observed in combination (e.g., quick swimming while rolling/righting). Table S4. Animal characteristics for captive trials, and temporal tag and video coverage of fish activity. Tag detachment was based on visual observation of detachment where possible or estimated from depth and activity time-series (ATS) records downloaded from tags, as the point in time where depth and ATS remained constant. Captive dogfish (Squalus acanthias) are indicated as CD, and captive cobia (Rachycentron canadum) as CC. Table S5. The number of 1 s labeled visual observations from video-recording of captive fish behavior, and the proportion of each behavior (%) with respect to total observations for the species.
Date made availableJan 1 2020
Publisherfigshare Academic Research System

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