5VY6 : A self-assembling D-form DNA crystal lattice

  • C. R. Simmons (Contributor)
  • Hao Yan (Contributor)



Experimental Technique/Method:X-RAY DIFFRACTION
Release Date:2017-08-02
Deposition Date:2017-05-24
Revision Date:2017-08-23#2017-09-13
Molecular Weight:12797.42
Macromolecule Type:DNA
Residue Count:42
Atom Site Count:851

The foundational goal of structural DNA nanotechnology-the field that uses oligonucleotides as a molecular building block for the programmable self-assembly of nanostructured systems-was to use DNA to construct three-dimensional (3D) lattices for solving macromolecular structures. The programmable nature of DNA makes it an ideal system for rationally constructing self-assembled crystals and immobilizing guest molecules in a repeating 3D array through their specific stereospatial interactions with the scaffold. In this work, we have extended a previously described motif (4 × 5) by expanding the structure to a system that links four double-helical layers; we use a central weaving oligonucleotide containing a sequence of four six-base repeats (4 × 6), forming a matrix of layers that are organized and dictated by a series of Holliday junctions. In addition, we have assembled mirror image crystals (l-DNA) with the identical sequence that are completely resistant to nucleases. Bromine and selenium derivatives were obtained for the l- and d-DNA forms, respectively, allowing phase determination for both forms and solution of the resulting structures to 3.0 and 3.05 Å resolution. Both right- and left-handed forms crystallized in the trigonal space groups with mirror image 3-fold helical screw axes P3
Date made available2017

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