Transcriptome and Evolutionary Analysis of Pseudotrichomonas keilini, a Free-Living Anaerobic Eukaryote

Hend Abu-Elmakarem, Stephen J. Taerum, Celine Petitjean, Michael Kotyk, Christopher Kay, Ivan Čepička, David Bass, Gillian H. Gile, Tom A. Williams

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The early evolution of eukaryotes and their adaptations to low-oxygen environments are fascinating open questions in biology. Genome-scale data from novel eukaryotes, and particularly from free-living lineages, are the key to answering these questions. The Parabasalia are a major group of anaerobic eukaryotes that form the most speciose lineage of Metamonada. The most well-studied are parasitic parabasalids, including Trichomonas vaginalis and Tritrichomonas foetus, but very little genome-scale data are available for free-living members of the group. Here, we sequenced the transcriptome of Pseudotrichomonas keilini, a free-living parabasalian. Comparative genomic analysis indicated that P. keilini possesses a metabolism and gene complement that are in many respects similar to its parasitic relative T. vaginalis and that in the time since their most recent common ancestor, it is the T. vaginalis lineage that has experienced more genomic change, likely due to the transition to a parasitic lifestyle. Features shared between P. keilini and T. vaginalis include a hydrogenosome (anaerobic mitochondrial homolog) that we predict to function much as in T. vaginalis and a complete glycolytic pathway that is likely to represent one of the primary means by which P. keilini obtains ATP. Phylogenomic analysis indicates that P. keilini branches within a clade of endobiotic parabasalids, consistent with the hypothesis that different parabasalid lineages evolved toward parasitic or free-living lifestyles from an endobiotic, anaerobic, or microaerophilic common ancestor.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberevae262
JournalGenome biology and evolution
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1 2024


  • anaerobic eukaryotes
  • eukaryotic evolution
  • hydrogenosome
  • protist transcriptome

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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