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Fundamental studies of hydrogen arc plasmas for high-efficiency and carbon-free steelmaking
Seetharaman, S. (PI), Hong, Q. (CoI), Muhich, C. (CoI) & Ankit, K. (CoI)
10/15/23 → 10/14/26
Project: Research project
MRI: Acquisition of a Dual Transmission X-ray Diffractometer (DTXRD) for Studying the Local and Bulk Structure of Soft and Hard Materials under In situ and Operando Conditions
Bose, M. (CoI), Sanchez Esqueda, I. (CoI), Wang, L. (CoI), Mada Kannan, A. (CoI), Long, T. (CoI), Bertoni, M. (CoI), Deng, S. (CoI), Fan, Z. (CoI), Hoover, C. (CoI), Shock, E. (CoI), Holman, Z. (CoI), Tao, M. (CoI), Navrotsky, A. (CoI), Hwa, Y. (CoI), Westerhoff, P. (CoI), Azeredo, B. (CoI), Ankit, K. (CoI), Seo, D. (CoI), Zhang, Y.-H. (CoI), Hartnett, H. (CoI), Fromme, P. (CoI), Ruff, S. (CoI), Yang, S. (CoI), Jin, K. (CoI), Rolston, N. (CoI), Lind, M. L. (CoI), Stechel, E. (CoI), Garcia Segura, S. (CoI), Yarger, J. (CoI), Wang, R. (CoI), Birkel, C. (PI), Nian, Q. (CoI), Neithalath, N. (CoI), Rajagopalan, J. (CoI), Chan, C. (CoI), Milcarek, R. (CoI), Sayres, S. (CoI), Crozier, P. (CoI), Tongay, S. A. (CoI), Yao, Y. (CoI), Sieradzki, K. (CoI) & Yu, H. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/1/22 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
CAREER: Understanding the origins of pearlite discontinuities in eutectoid microstructures: Modeling & Experiments
Ankit, K. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
8/15/22 → 7/31/27
Project: Research project
AI Institute: Planning: Novel Neural Architectures for 4D Materials Science
Ankit, K. (CoI), Zhuang, H. (CoI), Ren, Y. (CoI) & Jiao, Y. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
9/1/20 → 8/31/23
Project: Research project
Using the Isothermal Dendritic Growth Experiment IDGE for Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Crystal Growth Dynamics
Ankit, K. (PI)
8/1/18 → 7/31/22
Project: Research project
4D characterization of electromigration-induced damage of environmentally-benign
Ankit, K. (PI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
8/1/18 → 7/31/22
Project: Research project