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SSE06003-LZ: IEC61215 Second Edition full qualification testing on S-120C photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/16/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
JUM-06001: IEC61215 Second Edition full qualification testing on Jumao Photonics JMP-175W-S5-G photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/15/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
ZGS-06001-LZ: IEC61215 Second Edition full qualification testing on Zhejiang Global Solar Energy GSM-170 design type
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/15/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
CSA06001: UL1703 tests of building integrated glass samples for CSA
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/15/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
NREL06001: Sandia Performance Model Characterization Testing on ten NREL photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/15/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SSE06002-UL IEC 61215 and UL1703 tests on Shanghai Solar Energy S-165D-A photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/14/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06009 IEC61215 Ed2 Section I retest for Evergreen Solar ES-200 (design 4) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/12/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SSC-06001A-UP: UL1703 tests on Spire Solar/Kyocera canopy modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/7/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
STP-06003: IEC61215 Section C & E Retests With Ed1-Ed2 Conversion Tests on STP170S-24/Ac Module Type
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
6/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SHA-06001: Photon Degradation Study for Sharp Corporation
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/25/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SSC-06001-UL: UL1703 tests on Spire Solar/Kyocera Canopy modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/15/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SUN06001: IEC61646 Design Verification Testing on Bangkok Solar BS40J modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/8/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
SUN06002: IEC61646 Design Verification Testing on Tianjin Jinneng Solar Cell Co. 38(45) H/G 635x1245D modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/8/06 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
YNE-06005: IEC61215: 1993-94 Sections D retests on Baoding Yingli New Energy Resources YL210(156) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/5/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
MIT-06004: IEC61215 section E retests on F180EE5 modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
5/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06006: IEC61215 Section A (Ed2) testing of Evergreen Solar ES-180 photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/26/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SPC-06001: Humidity Freeze tests on Sunpower Corporation 72-cell modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/24/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
YNE-06004: IEC61215:1993-94 Sections G retests on Baoding Yingli New Energy Resources YL80(125) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/19/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
Model Listings on Baoding Yingli New Energy YLDJ-2 and 160(35)P Type
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/19/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
YNE-06001: IEC61215:1993-04 qualification testing on Baoding Yingli New Energy Resources YL175(156) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/18/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
YNE06003-UL: IEC61215 Second Edition full qualification testing on Yingli New Energy Resources YL175 (156) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/15/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
MIT-06001: IEC61215 Ed2 Retests fro F180ED3
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/10/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
MIT-06002: IEC61215 Ed1 Section A & G retests for F158EB4A
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
4/10/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06005: Proficiency Testing for Evergreen Solar
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
3/13/06 → 3/31/07
Project: Research project
PUB-06001: IEC61215 Second Edition Full qualification Testing on Shanghai Pubsolar GYS-165C
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
3/13/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
ULS-06001-LZ: IEC61215 Second Edition qualification Testing on ULICA Solar 165W Module
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
3/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SLY06002: Hail Impact Test on Solyndra Test samples - Round two
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/23/06 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
SLY06001: Hail Impact Test on Four Solyndra Test Samples
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/23/06 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
EII-06001-UL Environmental Chamber tests of Energy Innovation receivers after modification
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/23/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06001: IEC61215 Section F retest for Powerlight tracker mounting method on ES-180 module
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/22/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06003: IEC61215 Ed2 similarity qualification testing of Evergreen Solar EC-130 photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/16/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SIT-06001: Temperature Coefficient determination for Solar Integrated Technologies rooftop module at ASU-PTL
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/13/06 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
YNE-06002:IEC61215 Second Edition qualification Testing on Yingli New Energy Resources YL175W(P) laminates
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/13/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
D4E-06001: Humidity Freeze Engineering tests for Day 4 Energy
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/1/06 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
STS-06001; IEC61215 Ed2 tests on Sun Tech Solar Co., Ltd. XTP180-34 modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
ZYS-06001: IEC61215 Ed2 tests on Zhejiang Yuhui Energy Source SP175-72A modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
2/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SWA-05001-UL: UL1703 Humidity Freeze sequence on 210W Solar World AG modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/25/06 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
WBS-05001-UL: UL tests on Webel SL Energy systems modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/24/06 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
WCS06001-LZ: IEC61215 Ed2 Full qualification testing on Wuzi Central Science & Technology Co., Ltd SPSM-175D modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/15/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
PLC-06001: Outdoor Exposure with Pre- and Post-tests
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/15/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-06002: IEC61215 Ed2 Full qualification testing of Evergreen Solar ES-180 (design 4) photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/10/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EII-50003-UL: Environmental chamber tests of Energy Innovation receivers
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/6/06 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
SRS-06001-UL: UL1703/IEC61215 Ed2 tests on Solar roofing Systems Modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/6/06 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
JXC06001: Engineering tests for JX Crystals low level concentrating photovoltaic modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
TYC06001: Humidity Freeze Engineering tests for Tyco Electronics
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
SMUD 4500036217: SMUD Year 2006 Projects
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
LOCAL: Non-Arizona Local Government
1/1/06 → 12/31/09
Project: Research project
SCH06001: Continued Outdoor Exposure testing for Schott Solar
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/1/06 → 12/31/07
Project: Research project
CSI06001: IEC61215 Ed1 qualification tests on CS5A-160 and CS5H-37 modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
1/1/06 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
EVR-05005-UL: UL1703 Humidity Freeze tests on EC-180 modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
12/21/05 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project
STP-05009-10: IEC61215 Ed1 Retest Section J Hot Spot tests on Suntech mono-Si and poly-Si modules
Tamizhmani, G. (PI)
12/15/05 → 12/31/06
Project: Research project