Abigail York
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (CLAS) - Professor
- Global Health, Center for - Professor
- Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - Professor
- Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) - Professor
Milan Shrestha
- Sustainability Initiative - Associate Teaching Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Associate Teaching Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Associate Teaching Professor
Nancy Grimm
- Sustainability Initiative - Regents' Professor
- Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - Regents' Professor
- Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - Regents' Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Regents' Professor
- Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, School of (SGSUP) - Regents' Professor
- Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) - Regents' Professor
- Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) - Regents' Professor
Dan Childers
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
Charles Redman
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Global KAITEKI Center, The - Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
B.L. Turner
- Sustainability Initiative - Regents' Professor
- Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, School of (SGSUP) - Regents' Professor
- Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) - Regents' Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Regents' Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Regents' Professor
- Urban Climate Research Center - Regents' Professor
Hallie Eakin
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
- Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, Center for (CBIE) - Professor
Rimjhim Aggarwal
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Spatial Analysis Research Center (SPARC) - Professor
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (CLAS) - Professor
- Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, Center for (CBIE) - Professor
- Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems - Professor
- Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Executive Vice President and Provost, Office of the (EVPP) - Professor
- Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, School of (SGSUP) - Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
Sara Meerow
- Sustainability Initiative - Associate Professor
- Urban Climate Research Center - Associate Professor
- Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, School of (SGSUP) - Associate Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Associate Professor
Osvaldo Sala
- Sustainability Initiative - Regents' Professor
- Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - Regents' Professor
- Global Drylands Center (GDC) - Regents' Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Regents' Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Regents' Professor
Sonja Klinsky
- Sustainability Initiative - Associate Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Associate Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Associate Professor
Amber Wutich
- Sustainability Initiative - President's Professor
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (CLAS) - President's Professor
- Global Health, Center for - President's Professor
- Human Evolution and Social Change, School of (SHESC) - President's Professor
- Public Policy, Morrison Institute for - President's Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - President's Professor
Everett Shock
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Earth and Space Exploration, School of (SESE) - Professor
- Molecular Sciences, School of (SMS) - Professor
- Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics, Center for (CBBG) - Professor
- Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics, Center for (FAM) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
Sharon Hall
- Sustainability Initiative - President's Professor
- Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - President's Professor
- Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) - President's Professor
- Global Drylands Center (GDC) - President's Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - President's Professor
- Research in Inclusive STEM Education (RISE) Center - President's Professor
- Global Futures, College of (CGF) - Associate Dean & President's Professor
Diane Pataki
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
Peter Schlosser
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Executive Vice President and Provost, Office of the (EVPP) - Vice President/Vice Provost & Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
- Knowledge Enterprise (KE) - Professor
Jianguo Wu
- Sustainability Initiative - Professor
- Life Sciences, School of (SOLS) - Professor
- Global Futures Laboratory, Julie Ann Wrigley (GFL) - Professor
- Sustainability, School of (SOS) - Professor
- Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, New College of (NCIAS) - Professor
- Mathematical and Natural Sciences, School of (SMNS) - Professor
- Global Drylands Center (GDC) - Professor
Geoffrey L. Buckley
- Department of Geography, Ohio University, 122 Clippinger Labs
- Ohio University
- Department of Geography
External person
J. Morgan Grove
- Baltimore Field Station and Baltimore Ecosystem Study, US Forest Service Northern Research Station
- Northern Research Station
- U.S. Forest Service
- United States Department of Agriculture
- US Forest Service Northern Research Station
- USDA (US Department of Agriculture) Forest Service
- University of Maryland
- Baltimore Field Station
- US Forest Service
- USDA Forest Service
- Northeastern Research Station
- Baltimore Field Station and Baltimore Ecosystem Study
- Northern Research Station
- Northern Research Station
- Forest Service
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
- US Forest Service
External person
Steward T A Pickett
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- University of Minnesota
External person
Michail Fragkias
- Department of Economics, Boise State University
- Boise State University
- Arizona State University
- International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
- Department of Economics
External person
Mary L. Cadenasso
- University of California
- University of California-Davis
- University of California Davis
- Yale University
- University of California at Davis
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Department of Plant Sciences
- Hixon Center for Urban Ecology
- Yale University
External person
Laura A. Ogden
- University of New Mexico
- Florida International University
- Dartmouth College
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Biology
- Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies
- Faculty of Arts & Sciences
External person
Dexter H. Locke
- Clark University
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- Woods Hole Research Center
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- Graduate School of Geography
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Baltimore Field Station
- Woods Hole Research Center
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- US Forest Service Northern Research Station
External person
Katalin Szlavecz
- Johns Hopkins University
- The Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Dept. of Earth and Planet. Sciences
External person
S. Pincetl
- University of California, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability
- University of California Office of the President
- Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, California Center for Sustainable Communities, University of California, Los Angeles
- Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California Los Angeles
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles
- Arizona State University
- School of Life Sciences
- Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
- Institute of the Environment
- Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
External person
Kirsten Schwarz
- Rutgers University
- Northern Kentucky University
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Cancer Institute of New Jersey
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Department of Biology
- Rutgers University–New Brunswick
- the State University of New Jersey
External person
Charles H. Nilon
- University of Missouri
- University of Missouri i
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
External person
Peter Marcotullio
- City University of New York
- Arizona State University
- Department of Geography
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
External person
Patricia Romero-Lankao
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
- National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan
- School of Life Sciences
- Centre for Global Environmental Research
- University of Manchester
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Arizona State University
- Department of Sociology
- University of Chicago
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
External person
Anthony C. Janetos
- H. John Heinz III Center for Science
- Arizona State University
- School of Sustainability
- Boston University
- Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of Longer-Range Future
External person
Paige S. Warren
- Department of Natural Resources Conservation
- University of Massachusetts
- 2119 Derring Hall, 24061
- Arizona State University
- Department of Natural Resources Conservation
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research
- 24061
External person
Karen C. Seto
- Yale University
- Stanford Institute for International Studies
- Stanford University
- Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences
- Arizona State University
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- Yale University
External person
J. O'Neil-Dunne
- University of Vermont
- University of Utah
- Florida Atlantic University
- Spatial Analysis Lab
- Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
- Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
External person
Shuaib Lwasa
- Makerere University
- Department of Environmental Management
- Department of Geography
- Global Center on Adaptation
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
External person
J. P. Mcfadden
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- University of California Santa Barbara
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geography
- Department of Ecology
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
External person
Billy Hall
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
External person
M. New
- University of Cape Town
- University of East Anglia
- School of International Development
- Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- University of Pennsylvania
External person
Sujay S. Kaushal
- University of Maryland
- University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
External person
Harini Nagendra
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Azim Premji University
- Cntr. for the Study of Institutions
- Azim Premji University
- Belgian National Fund Scientific Research
External person
I. J. Gordon
- The James Hutton Institute
- James Cook University Queensland
- Australian National University
External person
Dagmar Haase
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Science
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)
- Department of Geography
- Departments of Geography and Computational Landscape Ecology
- Geography Department
External person
William R. Burch
- Yale University
- Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Yale University
External person
Melissa McHale
- North Carolina State University
- Colorado State University
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Fisheries
- Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
- Department of Animal
- College of Natural Resources
- Global Institute of Sustainability
- Arizona State University
- University of British Columbia
External person
Jennifer A. Dunne
- Santa Fe Institute
- Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computation Ecology Lab.
- Santa Fe Institute
- Department of Biology
- University of Florida
- Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computation Ecology Lab.
External person
Brian McGrath
- Parsons The New School for Design
- Parsons the New School for Design
- The New School for Design, and Urban Interface
- New School University
External person
D. E. Pataki
- University of California
- University of Utah
- University of California at Irvine
- University of Delaware
- New York University
- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Department of Earth System Science
- Department of Biology
- Department of Earth System Science
- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
- Advanced Science Research Center
- School of Biological Sciences
- City University of New York
- Advanced Science Research Center
- Arizona State University
- California State University Chico
- Duke University
- Desert Research Institute
- University of California at Los Angeles
External person
Elena Irwin
- The Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University
- Department of Agricultural Environmental and Development Economics
- Department of Agricultural, Environmental
- Department of Agricultural
External person
Arun Agrawal
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- School for Environment and Sustainability
- School of Natural Resources and Environment
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan
External person
Richard V. Pouyat
- University of Maryland-Baltimore County
- University of Maryland Baltimore County
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Research and Development
- University of Delaware
External person
Jessica J. Hellmann
- University of Notre Dame
- Stanford University
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Institute on the Environment
- University of Minnesota
- Department of Biological Sciences
External person
Anette Reenberg
- University of Copenhagen
- University of Copenhagen
- Department of Geography and Geology
- Global Land Project, International Project Office
- Institute of Geography
External person
Lawrence E. Band
- University of North Carolina
- University of North Carolina
- Department of Geography
- University of Virginia
- University of North Carolina
External person
Morgan Grove
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Northeastern Research Station
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
- Department of Ecology
- US Forest Service Northern Research Station
- University of Minnesota
- Forest Service
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service's Baltimore Field Station
- and Environmental Quality
External person
Peter M. Groffman
- Institute for Ecosystem Studies
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies
External person
Matthew A. Wilson
- Arcadis
- Florida International University
- University of Vermont
- School of Business Administration
- Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
- School of Business Administration
External person
D. Hart
- Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions
- University of Maine
External person
Ali Modarres
- California State University Los Angeles
- Edmund G. Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs
- Department of Geography and Urban Analysis
External person
H. Mallee
- National Institutes for the Humanities, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
- Kyoto Prefectural University
External person
Michele Romolini
- Loyola Marymount University
- Center for Urban Resilience
- 113 Research Annex
External person
Kevin Kane
- Arizona State University
- University of California at Irvine
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change
- Department of Planning
- School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning
- School of Social Ecology
External person
William R. Freudenburg
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Environmental Studies Programme
External person
Xuemei Bai
- Australian National University
- Fenner School of Environment and Society
- Cellana Inc.
External person
Deborah M. Finch
- Albuquerque Lab.
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Rocky Mountain Research Station
- USDA Forest Service
- Rocky Mountain Research Station
External person
Makoto Yokohari
- University of Tokyo
- Department of Urban Engineering
- School of Sustainability
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- Arizona State University
External person
Wen Ching Chuang
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- National Research Council
External person
Andrew J. Miller
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
- University of Maryland Baltimore County
External person
John A. Harrington
- Kansas State University
- Michigan State University
- The Ohio State University
- Department of Geography, Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research
- Arizona State University
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geology
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geography
- New Mexico State University
- Department of Geography
- Department of Geography
- Indiana State University
- Indiana State University
External person
Sonam Futi Sherpa
- School of Sustainability
- Arizona State University
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
Joseph Tuccillo
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Arizona State University
- Department of Geography
- School of Sustainability
External person
J. Morgan Grove
- U.S. Forest Service
- US Forest Service Northern Research Station
- Forest Service
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Northern Research Station
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- US Forest Service
External person
Marina Fischer-Kowalski
- Klagenfurt University
- Alpen Adria Universität
- University of Klagenfurt
- Alpen-Adria University
- Institute of Social Ecology
- Institute for Social Ecology
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- Institute of Social Ecology
External person
Juliana Novic
- University at Albany, SUNY
- SUNY Albany
- Arizona State University
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change
External person
P. M. Groffman
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- City University of New York
- New York University
- Advanced Science Research Center
- Advanced Science Research Center
- Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Advanced Science Research Center
- Advanced Science Research Center and Brooklyn College
- CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
External person
Weiqi Zhou
- Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- CAS - Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences
External person
T. S. Hogue
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Laboratory for the Chemistry of Construction Materials (LC2)
- Colorado School of Mines
- University of Arizona
External person
Hilda Blanco
- University of Washington
- University of Southern California
- Sol Price School of Public Policy
External person
Austin Troy
- Aiken Center
- University of Vermont
- Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
- University of Colorado Denver
External person
Christopher M. Swan
- 211 Sondheim Hall
- University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Department of Geography and Environmental Systems
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
External person
Luis M A Bettencourt
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Santa Fe Institute
- Theoretical Division
- Theoretical Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS)
- University of Chicago
- Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation
- Center for Nonlinear Studies
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Theoretical Division
- Theoretical Division
- Department of Ecology and Evolution
- Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
External person
Xiaoding Zhuo
- Arisona State University in Tempe
- Arizona State University
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
External person
Vanesa Cástan Broto
- The University of Sheffield
- University College London
- University College London
External person
John Hom
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Northern Research Station
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
External person
Alicia Castillo
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas
External person
Jennifer Koch
- Oregon State University
- Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering
External person
Victoria Marshall
- Parsons The New School for Design
- Parsons
- Parsons the New School for Design
- The New School for Design, and Till Design
- New School University
- Parsons
External person
James E. Wells
- Kansas State University
- Department of Geography, Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research
External person
Ronald Pope
- Maricopa County Air Quality Department
- Arizona State University
- School of Life Sciences
- The School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- Maricopa County Air Quality Department
External person
John B. Wright
- New Mexico State University
- Department of Geography, Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research
External person
Darla K. Munroe
- University of North Carolina
- The Ohio State University
- Indiana University Bloomington
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Dept. of Geography/Earth Sciences
- Department of Geography
- Center for Urban and Regional Analysis
- Ctr.Study Inst. Pop./Environ.Change
External person
Shirley Vincent
- National Council for Science and the Environment
- Center for Education Research
- National Council for Science and the Environment
External person
Branislav Olah
- Technical University in Zvolen
- Department of Applied Ecology
- European Environment Agency, Denmark
External person
Sara Grineski
- University of Texas at El Paso
- Arizona State University
- National Science Foundation
- International Institute for Sustainability
- Department of Sociology
- IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education, Research and Training)
- Department of Geology
- Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- International Institute for Sustainability
- University of Utah
External person
Thomas J. Prebyl
- University of Georgia
- University of Georgia
- Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
External person
C. Susan B Grimmond
- Indiana University Bloomington
- King's College London
- Environmental Monitoring and Modelling
- Department of Geography
- Department of Meteorology
- University of Reading
External person
Courtney M. Currier
- Arizona State University
- School of Life Sciences
- Global Drylands Center
- School of Sustainability
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- University of Cambridge
External person
Elizabeth M. Cook
- Arizona State University
- New School University
- School of Life Sciences
- Urban Systems Lab
- School of Life Sciences
- The School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Barnard College
- Department of Environmental Science
- Universidad Austral de Chile
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- Columbia University
External person
Jennifer C. Jenkins
- University of Vermont
- Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
- U.S. Dept. of Agr. Forest Service
- United States Department of Agriculture
External person
Marcia L. Nation
- Arizona State University
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
- Global Institute of Sustainability
- School of Sustainability
External person
Tischa Muñoz-Erickson
- Arizona State University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- School of Sustainability
- International Institute of Tropical Forestry
- Urban Field Station
External person
Karen C. Seto
- Yale University
- Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- School of Sustainability
- Arizona State University
External person
Fushcia Ann Hoover
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
External person
George L. Cowgill
- Arizona State University
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change
- Department of Anthropology
External person
Tao Lin
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Xiamen Key Lab of Urban Metabolism
- Key Lab of Urban Environment and Health
External person
Sara Hughes
- University of California, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Arizona State University
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Michael Mirtl
- Federal Environment Agency Austria
- Austrian Federal Environmental Agency
- Environment Agency Austria
External person
Michael F. Antolin
- Colorado State University
- Shortgrass Steppe Long-Term Ecological Research
- Department of Biology
External person
Rhonda Skaggs
- New Mexico State University
- Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business
External person
David Gosselin
- University of Nebraska
- Environmental Studies Program
- University of Nebraska Lincoln
External person
Matthew E. Baker
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
- University of Maryland Baltimore County
External person
Christa Brelsford
- Santa Fe Institute
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Arizona State University
- Center for Nonlinear Studies
External person
G. Darrel Jenerette
- Arizona State University
- University of California at Riverside
- Arizona State Univ.
- University of California Riverside
- University of Arizona
- Department of Life Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
- Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology
- Department of Ecology and Biology
- School of Natural Resources
- The Ohio State University
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
- University of Arizona
External person
Brad D. Jokilosch
External person
Felix Creutzig
- Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
- Technical University of Berlin
- Sustainability Economics of Human Settlements
- Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
External person
Helmut Haberl
- Klagenfurt University
- University of Klagenfurt
- Alpen-Adria University
- Institute of Social Ecology
- Institute of Social Ecology
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
External person
Cynthia L. Merse
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
External person
Alison Whitmer
- Georgetown University
- University of New Mexico
- Department of Biology
- Arizona State University
- Department of Biology
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
External person
Jose Lobo
- Arizona State University
- School of Sustainability
- Cornell University
- Department of City and Regional Planning
- School of Human Evolution and Social Change
- Global Institute of Sustainability
- Santa Fe Institute
- Bios Group
- Department of Economics
- School of Life Sciences and Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
- W. P. Carey School of Business
- Arizona State University
External person
Tobias Langanke
- European Environment Agency, Denmark
- University of Copenhagen
- International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
External person
Verena Winiwarter
- Klagenfurt University
- Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
- University of Klagenfurt
- Dept. of Cultural Analysis
- Fakultaet fuer Interdisziplinaere Forschung und Fortbildung
External person
Bethany B. Cutts
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Arizona State University
- The School of Life Sciences
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
- Decision Center for A Desert City
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Life Sciences
- Arizona State University
External person
Austin Troy
- University of Vermont
- Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
- Aiken Center
External person