Projects per year
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Herschfelt, A. (PI)
DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
10/15/23 → 6/11/24
Project: Research project
Chakrabarti, C. (CoI) & Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD: Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD)
1/13/23 → 2/28/23
Project: Research project
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
7/15/22 → 9/30/24
Project: Research project
Remote Network Distributed Mosaic Communications
Bliss, D. (PI) & Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
3/12/21 → 9/15/22
Project: Research project
Wideband Adaptive RF Protection (WARP)
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
2/16/21 → 7/31/24
Project: Research project
Wideband Adaptive RF Protection (WARP)
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
2/8/21 → 2/9/21
Project: Research project
CubeSounder: Flying a Novel 3D Weather Imaging Sensor on a High-Altitude Balloon
Mauskopf, P. (CoI), Bliss, D. (CoI), Groppi, C. (CoI) & Bryan, S. (PI)
National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA)
2/1/21 → 9/30/24
Project: Research project
Learning to Prevail: Communication in Contested and Adversarial Environments
Richmond, C. (PI) & Michelusi, N. (CoI)
DOD-USAF: Air Force Research Labs (AFRL)
9/23/20 → 9/22/24
Project: Research project
SII Planning: Center for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Sharing)
Kiaei, S. (PI), Bliss, D. (CoI) & Bakkaloglu, B. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
8/15/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research project
Trusted Federated Learning Algorithms in Adversarial Environments
Scaglione, A. (PI)
DOD-ARMY: Army Materiel Command (AMC)
6/5/20 → 6/4/21
Project: Research project
Algorithms Development to Improve Radar Angular Performance (ADIRAP)
Bliss, D. (PI)
4/1/20 → 11/30/20
Project: Research project
Supervisory Parameter Adjustment for Distribution Energy Storage (SPADES)
Scaglione, A. (PI)
DOE: National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
1/14/20 → 11/30/22
Project: Research project
Provable Anonymization of Grid Data for Cyberattack Detection for U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems
Scaglione, A. (PI)
12/19/19 → 5/16/21
Project: Research project
NEWT Non-Core Project: Evaluation of the LwM2M protocol and 5G networks performance for wide-area Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Scaglione, A. (PI) & Tepedelenlioglu, C. (PI)
10/1/19 → 12/31/21
Project: Research project
CPS: Small: Real-time spatial audio on the Internet of Things
LiKamWa, R. (PI) & Berisha, V. (CoI)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
10/1/19 → 9/30/23
Project: Research project
ASU-JHU small scale radars for tumor detection initial collaboration
Bliss, D. (PI)
OTHER: Domestic Non-ABOR University
8/1/19 → 9/30/20
Project: Research project
Reliable connected fleet demonstrator HPPC Phase 1+
Bliss, D. (PI) & Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
1/14/19 → 6/28/19
Project: Research project
Simultaneous Signaling, Sensing, and Radar Operations under Constrained Hardware
Bliss, D. (PI)
11/1/18 → 12/31/19
Project: Research project
Bliss, D. (PI) & Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
DOD-DARPA: Strategic Technology Office (STO)
10/8/18 → 11/19/19
Project: Research project
Transmuter: A Reconfigurable Computer
Chakrabarti, C. (PI)
DOD-DARPA: Microsystems Technology Office (MTO)
8/6/18 → 8/31/23
Project: Research project
RETICLE: Energy Harvesting IoT Devices for Situational Awareness
Ogras, U. (PI) & Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-DARPA: Defense Sciences Office (DSO)
7/2/18 → 7/1/22
Project: Research project
Threat Detection and Response with Data Analytics System Operation and Control (Grid Modernization Lab Consortium - GMLC 1.4.23) - Revision
Scaglione, A. (PI)
6/20/18 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Cybersecurity via Inverter-Grid Automatic Reconfiguration (CIGAR) Project Support
Scaglione, A. (PI)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
2/26/18 → 3/31/21
Project: Research project
Multiple Coherent Acoustic Source Network (MCAS-NET)
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-DARPA: Strategic Technology Office (STO)
2/14/18 → 7/19/18
Project: Research project
Distributed-Coherent Systems
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-DARPA: Strategic Technology Office (STO)
11/29/17 → 8/28/18
Project: Research project
MURA Project: Radar-Camera Sensor Fusion for Mobile Vision - Phase 2
Bliss, D. (CoI) & Turaga, P. (CoI)
9/22/17 → 9/30/18
Project: Research project
AURA Project: Airbus Connectivity Demonstrator
Bliss, D. (PI) & Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
6/19/17 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
AURA Project: Participation in April 2017 Connectivity CDF
Bliss, D. (PI)
4/24/17 → 7/31/17
Project: Research project
MURA Project: Radar-Camera Sensor Fusion for Mobile Vision
Bliss, D. (CoI) & Turaga, P. (CoI)
2/8/17 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Neuromorphic Architecture with Distributed Inhibition for Hierarchical Learning and Classification (ASUF 30007349)
Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
11/1/16 → 10/31/18
Project: Research project
STARSS: Small: Design of Light-Weight RRAM Based Hardware Security Primitives for IoT Devices
Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
NSF-CISE: Computer and Network Systems (CNS)
10/1/16 → 9/30/19
Project: Research project
MIMO Radar Techniques Program
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-USAF-AFRL: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
7/15/16 → 1/1/18
Project: Research project
Sensor and Communications Convergence
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
6/1/16 → 5/31/19
Project: Research project
Secure Co-Design Architectures for Large Scale Environments (SCALE)
Bliss, D. (PI)
DOD-NAVY: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR)
5/5/16 → 3/20/17
Project: Research project
R2 Signal Processing
Bliss, D. (PI) & Chakrabarti, C. (CoI)
1/23/15 → 12/31/16
Project: Research project
Advanced Wireless Communications Research Program
Bliss, D. (PI)
7/1/13 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project