Margaret M. Luciano (Arizona State University) (Contributor)
Supplemental Material, Appendix_B,_C_and_D for The Development and Construct Validity of a Team Processes Survey Measure by John E. Mathieu, Margaret M. Luciano, Lauren D’Innocenzo, Elizabeth A. Klock and Jeffery A. LePine in Organizational Research Methods
LePine, J. A. (Contributor), Mathieu, J. E. (Contributor), Klock, E. A. (Contributor), D’Innocenzo, L. (Contributor), Luciano, M. M. (Contributor) (Jul 1 2020). Supplemental Material, Appendix_B,_C_and_D - The Development and Construct Validity of a Team Processes Survey Measure. figshare SAGE Publications. 10.25384/sage.8058623.v1