This repository contains the code and data to reproduce Figures 1, 2, and 3 in the Frissell et al. (2024) Geophysical Research Letters manuscript "First Observations Linking Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances to Polar Vortex Strength". To reproduce the figures, call one of the following scripts: * GRL_figures/ * GRL_figures/ * GRL_figures/ Data for these figures is stored in GRL_figures/data/. Code for SuperDARN MSTID Index processing is contained in DARNtids/. DARNtids depends on pyDARNMusic, located in pyDARNmusic/. Code to generate the perturbed IRI in Figure 2d is in IRI_TID. This code depends on Code to do the ray tracing in Figure 2d is in PyLap. PyLap depends on PHaRLAP, which is available from All code and data repositories have been stored in zip archives.
Date made available | Sep 6 2024 |
Publisher | Zenodo |