Additional file 3 of Commonly disrupted pathways in brain and kidney in a pig model of systemic endotoxemia

  • Ran Wang (Creator)
  • Camila De Ávila (Creator)
  • Erica Forzani (Creator)
  • Naomi M. Gades (Creator)
  • Mary Laura Lind (Creator)
  • Adithya Shyamala Pandiane (Creator)
  • Michael Serhan (Creator)
  • Pinar Cay Durgun (Creator)
  • Kimberly C. Olney (Creator)
  • Kennedi T. Todd (Creator)
  • Leslie Thomas (Creator)
  • Piyush Hota (Creator)
  • Katelin A. Gibson (Creator)



Additional file 3: Table S2. Differentially expressed genes by RNAseq after LPS challenge in pigs for brain, kidney, and blood. Differentially expressed genes in the brain, kidney, and blood, adjusted p < 1.00 following processing with the star/limma-voom gene-level pipeline (see Materials and methods). Each tab contains the genes that met the minimum expression threshold for that tissue and are included in the differential expression analysis. Genes are considered differentially expressed if the adjusted p-value is < 0.05.
Date made available2024

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