Additional file 12 of Commonly disrupted pathways in brain and kidney in a pig model of systemic endotoxemia

  • Kimberly C. Olney (Creator)
  • Camila De Ávila (Creator)
  • Piyush Hota (Creator)
  • Pinar Cay Durgun (Creator)
  • Naomi M. Gades (Creator)
  • Ran Wang (Creator)
  • Adithya Shyamala Pandiane (Creator)
  • Katelin A. Gibson (Creator)
  • Leslie Thomas (Creator)
  • Mary Laura Lind (Creator)
  • Erica Forzani (Creator)
  • Michael Serhan (Creator)
  • Kennedi T. Todd (Creator)



Additional file 12: Table S11. Isoform-level transcripts per million (TPM) data for each tissue. Filtered to remove lowly expressed and keep only protein coding transcripts, isoform-level transcripts per million (TPM) data for each tissue. This is the counts data used for the isoform-level differential expression analysis with Kallisto/Sleuth pipeline.
Date made available2024

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